For spiritual high-achievers who want to get results & enjoy every step of the way!

You’re working hard and striving for success and happiness.

And, this should be possible to achieve because you’re extremely capable as well as driven.

YET you’re burnt out, too exhausted or too overwhelmed to make good choices for your overall well-being.

Jan 19, 20, + 21


If so, don’t worry…this isn’t just you.

Let me introduce you to the term “insecure overachiever” more commonly known as a perfectionist—

Someone who feels inadequate and driven by a profound sense of your inadequacy.

“This typically stems from childhood, and may result from various factors, such as experience of financial or physical deprivation, or a belief that their parents’ love was contingent upon their behaving and performing well.”

–Harvard Business Review Article “If You’re So Successful, Why Are You Still Working 70 Hours a Week?”

So, what does this mean?

You set out on a self-improvement journey putting effort into achieving a great life. And, maybe you’ve been seeing progress so you remain hopeful for greater things to come. Yet, the life you deeply desire always seems a little out of your grasp, often resulting in anxiety, self-doubt and frustration.

Inevitably, you realize you’re still pursuing someone else’s definition of success, going through the motions of what you’ve been told or read that you ‘should’ do—“Meditate Daily!”, “Lean In!”, and “Be a Badass!”—rather than what will REALLY propel you toward the success you desire and feeling happier.

With so many choices and ways to improve your life, how can you achieve the results you want without just going through the motions?

That’s where I come in and my proprietary

“Energy Mastery Method.”

Join me for a unique (virtual) experience where we…

Ground and Reflect

Get grounded in what phase of your life you’re in right now and determine where you want to go next.

Breakthrough Barriers

Bridge the gap between those two points and begin to understand what’s holding you back.

Chart a New Course

Create a plan to get from where you are now to that point in the future–but we do it in a whole NEW way.

Make Heart-Centered Connections

Tap into your heart’s wisdom and not just the mind so that you can feel pulled toward your dreams and the results can stick.

And, the best part is you will be surrounded by like-minded energy to fuel your next steps and help light the way.

You’ll feel a relaxed confidence and breathe a sigh of relief

as you’ll take steps toward realizing your vision.

Kick off the year with a deeper understanding of how you operate, what gets in your way, and inspiration to propel you forward.

Reserve your virtual seat with…

Certified life + career coach and Amazon best-selling author, Rosie Guagliardo,

to finally experience deep transformation and all that you desire

with a lot more ease, joy, and grace.

What People are Saying about

Working with Rosie!

“Rosie truly cares about her clients and I highly recommend her!”

I have worked with a lot of coaches over my career, and Rosie is one of the best! She uses some very helpful frameworks that enable you to better articulate your goals and make them feel inspiring and fun vs a burden that you ‘should’ do. Rosie truly cares about her clients and I highly recommend her!


“I look forward to facing my fears and being less overwhelmed”

I look forward to facing my fears and being less overwhelmed, to prioritizing myself more, and to taking things less personally–not taking on others’ reactions. I enjoyed the exercises, participant discussions, and the safe space to speaking our truths.


“I’m going to be more honest and direct, if that’s possible.”

I feel validated in speaking my truth and increased self-awareness. I’m going to be more honest and direct, if that’s possible. Plus, less fearful.


“The content was so fantastic.”

The event had great content and actionable take aways. Nice job Rosie! The content was so fantastic and you did a wonderful job leading the discussion.


“I absolutely loved the guided meditations and the idea of becoming my future self.”

I absolutely loved the guided meditations and the idea of becoming my future self. It was/will be transformative! So excited about this! It was so powerful! I also loved digging into life phases and the model of how to set goals plus the magic system brought those together. I took so many notes that I filled a whole mini notebook. It made me think about how to approach my goals in a new way and I will use that moving forward. Finally, I’m also grateful to have set the priorities for which aspects of my life to focus on right now.


Regular Admission Includes:

  • Three-day high energy experience
  • A container to bring forth your best self
  • Meaningful content with tools you can use for a lifetime
  • Real time implementation of concepts
  • A sense of community to further integrate the benefits
  • Time away from busyness of life to get clear about what stands in your way
  • Interactive breakouts and networking

We'll Cover...


✨How to move to Higher Consciousness

Your Stage of Life for Best Results

A Vision to Create Inspiring Goals


Create a Useful Life Plan

Why You Got Here

What is NOW Blocking YOU from Moving Forward

The Solution for all Life Areas


Create Your Most Motivating Goals

Learn How to Get Past Fears

Develop Your Action Plan for the YEAR

You’ll walk away being more intentional with your word and deed,

feeling more at ease and connected to your body,

letting go of needing other people’s approval and feeling like the leader of your life.

You’re on an upward spiral!

Meet your host...

Certified Life + Career Coach
Rosie Guagliardo

A lot of individuals feel like they’re striving so hard to achieve a great life but it always seems a little out of their grasp, leaving them feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and ultimately burnt-out. I know, I’ve been there too — until I realized that I had been pursuing someone else’s definition of success and was running myself ragged trying to attain something I didn’t even want.

I now walk clients through everything I’ve learned so that they can achieve greater fulfillment in their career; build healthy, happy relationships; and become the healthiest, best version of themselves. In essence, I help my clients let their inner brilliance shine through so that they can attract all that they desire.

Event Days and Time:

January 19, 20, + 21

Fri, Sat, + Sun at 9 am to 5 pm CT ( 7 am PT/8 am MT/10 am ET)

General Admission Includes:

  • 3-Day LIVE Virtual Event – Value: $497
  • Downloadable Worksheets and Guides – Value: $250
  • Opportunity to receive a one-on-one laser coaching session with Rosie- Value: $500
  • Connections for a lifetime - Priceless
  • Breakthroughs for real success with joy – Invaluable

    Total Value – $1,297
    Your Investment – $497
    Early Bird Pricing – $347